Ginni chatrath

Name: #Ginni chatrath
Real name: #Bhavneet chatrath

#Ginni Chatrath, whose #real name is #Bhavneet Chatrath . She born on 18 November, 1989 in Jalandhar, Punjab. Ginni ji belongs to a middle class Punjabi family. Check out Ginni chatrathji ~ Biography,Husband, Family, Age, Education, Life History, Hobbies & Career.

Since childhood Ginni ji was good at studies. She completed her MBA in finance from a well known Institute . In addition to studies Ginni ji wants to beactress. She has not yet done any big movie, but she has been seen in many reality shows.

Firstly Ginni Ji  was not so popular in media. She hit the fame when popular comedian #Kapil Sharma ji confirms his relationship with Ginny chatrath. Ginni and Kapil dated each other from their childhood. Famous comedian Kapil and Ginni got engaged in 2013 and now they finally got married on 12 December 2018.

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